Which sport is your favorite to watch and/or play?

Quote of the week

One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

more famous quotes

January 29, 2010

Day One

Why hello there world. My name is Erin. This is where I will just put things i feel like saying...just my regular life. I'm gonna try to post something every day, but who knows. I should probably tell you about myself. I am a teenager going to middle school on the east coast of the USA. I love school...well most of it. I really do NOT like spanish, it really annoys me. I always mix up the genders and such. But one of my FAVORITE things to do is to play the bass clarinet. I started in 4th grade as playing in the concert band as a clarinetist, and in 7th grade i graduated onto the bass clarinet. I was obsessed with the bass clarinet (and i still am) all of my friends always are yelling at me to shut up 'cuz i talk about the bass clarinet sooo much. I also really enjoy doing math. I know that sounds weird, but that's me :) I think that i like math so much because there is always a right answer and getting to that answer can be a challenge or a piece of cake depending on how good you are and what type of problem you are doing.But i do have problems as well. Here is my strange love life. So in 6th grade i started liking this guy we will call Midgety Trumpeter. Now that i'm in the middle of 7th grade, i am over him and i finally learned that he is a total JERK. He has cursed me off, called me a b****, called me a lesbian and said 'f*** you' to me and..well you get the point. Now ive become really good friends with one of his friends. Lets call him Runner, and he is really nice, kind and would never do what Midgety Trumpeter did to me. Runner has always been beside me to talk to Midgety Trumpeter about what he has done to me and to comfort me. Now that i have become friends with him, i am starting to like him. Today though, while i was on the bus he sent me a text that said 'hey' and he had changed his signature to 'ILOVEALEX______' (i dont want to put her last name). This really surprised me because we tell each other everything. When i asked what that was about, he kept trying to avoid the question. Finally he told me that she was his girlfriend. I was going to ask all of these questions, but he changed the subject and i didn't want to change it back.
Thats my screwed up love life.


Keshia said...

Like i just said, u r telling ur whole life story on the internet. oh i just told like, 4 peeps to check ur blog

Annie Green said...

I like math too, sometimes...
(thanks for following me blog (; )