Which sport is your favorite to watch and/or play?

Quote of the week

One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

more famous quotes

July 20, 2010

Teen Girls Daybook- week 22

Date... July 20, 2010
Starting time... 10:28 pm
Mood... tired and excited
Outside my window... it is 72 degrees...and i see a bunch of cars going by
I'm thinking... about dissecting sheep's heart tomorrow :)
I'm reading... nothing really...i havent picked up another book yet
I'm listening to... the squeaking of a car's tires and the roaring of three fans
I'm wearing... yellow pj shorts and a baggy gray tee
Yesterday, I... dissected a banana
I'm excited for... friday! we get to dissect a brain :D
I'm sad because... i cant see my dog til sat :( im 220 miles away from him and my other family.
I'm hungry for... nothing...ate a ton of candy
The song stuck inside my head is... Build me up Buttercup
I want... for the night to go by fast
I love... my anatomy camp im in
I loathe... people who only talk when they're supposed to do something...and you're stuck in a group with them.
This week, my goal is... to successfully get through the week without killing myself with the scalpel
Did I meet last week's goal?... YES I DID
Ending time... 10:55 pm

July 13, 2010

I'm annoyed

Okay, so i just finished reading Three Cups of Tea (btw its rly good if you dont have to read it for school) and i have to answer these stupid questions. I read one and it really got me thinking, then it got me really annoyed. I thought i should share what i typed into a word doc with you.

The question....

The first line of the story begins “Greg Mortenson was lost.” The word “lost” can have both a literal and figurative meaning. State what you think the author meant by this sentence.

My answer...or what i angrily typed lol.

Now the thing I don’t like about language arts is that the teachers make you look for stuff that the authors never intended to be there. You can look for symbols and what not ‘til the cows come home, but really what an author is thinking about when he or she writes the story is not the tiny details that have a larger than life meaning, but rather the feeling of the character and the emotion behind the whole story. If an author happens to mention a broken telephone or an old shoe, that’s only to add depth to the book. Only language arts teachers or students told to look for such things would see that. Any person reading a book for pleasure would never in a million years think, ‘Hmm. That glass of milk could represent purity’. I hate to rain on your parade, but it’s the truth. Schools are teaching students to look for things that aren’t even there. And they wont believe it either. If you try to go up to a teacher and defend the point that I just stated, you would be there hours arguing. What school should be teaching us is to better understand the story as a whole. Say one of my friends read a book. The next day if I asked them what it was about, they would give me a blank stare and say the don’t know. Teachers should be teaching their students how to comprehend the text. Not to search for things that don’t exist.

When the author said Greg was lost, he meant he was actually lost. In the wilderness. Alone. Lost. Comon, my sister could’ve answered that. Shes 5. I’m 12. Gosh people.

like it? haha. as you can see, i was very annoyed.

This is the handwriting my friends adore........haha

I saw this from The Faithful Elven Princess, and i just HAD to do it :)

here are the rules...

Write down the following, snap a picture (or scan the document), post it, and tag others.

1. Name/Blog Name

2. Right handed, left handed or both

3. Favorite letters to write

4. Least favorite letters to write

5. Write: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.


7. Favorite song lyrics

8. Tag 7 people

9. Any special note or drawing

So heres my handwriting....*cringes*

u can click on it to make it larger...if u must

Teen Girls Daybook- week 21

Date... Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Starting time... 3:31 pm
Mood... annoyed
Outside my window... its soooo hot
I'm thinking... about going to a camp nxt week
I'm reading... Three Cups of Tea
I'm listening to... my sis watching TV
I'm wearing... yellow shorts and an orange-ish shirt
Yesterday, I... did nothing
I'm excited for... Saturday, were driving up to Brown University in RI for me to go to an anatomy camp
I'm sad because... im not sad.
I'm hungry for... nothing :)
The song stuck inside my head is... In my head (hahah)
I want... for my suitcase to pack itself
I love... science
I loathe... Language Arts
This week, my goal is... to finish all my packing by Friday
Did I meet last week's goal?... haha yes im alive
Ending time... 3:35 pm

July 6, 2010

Teen girls Daybook- week 20

Date...Tuesday, July 6th, 2010
Starting time... 7:20 pm
Mood... excited!!!
Outside my window... its 93 degrees :(
I'm thinking... about my trip to Coney Island tomorrow!!!
I'm reading... erm...i dont really know....
I'm listening to... a commercial coming from the other room
I'm wearing... knee-long shorts and a purple aero t-shirt
Yesterday, I...mounted a picture
I'm excited for... tomorrow!!! Coney Island!!!
I'm sad because... its hard to explain :P
I'm hungry for... i really want Ritz crackers for some reason.....
The song stuck inside my head is... God bless the USA
I want... to get tan
I love... computers
I loathe... computers
This week, my goal is... to not die from the blistering heat
Did I meet last week's goal?... YESS!!! I TOOK AN AWESOME ONE!!
Ending time... 7:24 pm

July 4, 2010

I'm proud to be an American!

Happy 4th of July! Shoot fireworks, go to a BBQ, but remember why we are able to be free today. Keep in mind the people who fight for our freedom. Sometimes even give their lives.

I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free.
And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land; God bless the U.S.A!

....he finds it hard....
....to listen to his son complain about being bored.

....to keep a straight face when people complain about potholes.

....to be tolerant of people who complain about the hassle of getting ready for work.

....to be understanding when someone complains about a bad night's sleep.

....to be silent when people pray to God from a new car.

....to control his panic when his wife tells him he needs to drive slower.

....to be compassionate when a businessman expresses a fear of flying.

....to keep from laughing when anxious parents say they're afraid to send their kids off to summer camp.

....to keep from ridiculing someone who complains about hot weather.

....to control his frustration when a colleague gripes about his coffee being cold.

....to remain calm when his daughter complains about having to walk the dog.

....to be civil to people who complain about their jobs.

....to just walk away when someone says they only get two weeks of vacation a year.

....to be forgiving when someone says how hard it is to have a new baby in the house.

The only thing that's harder than being a soldier....
....is loving one.

Take the time today to thank God for placing men in America (like our strong soldiers), so that we can have the freedom we have today!
Happy Independence Day!!

HAPPY 4th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


July 2, 2010

More Pics!!!

This was a really cool lamp post i saw...its covered with things made from yarn!

The ants and the zipper are 3D add-on's to the building!!

July 1, 2010

Photos for today!!!

This is another picture of the ballerina's we saw in the park

This was taken at the prison we went to.

After going to the park, we went to a main street in the city and i thought this was a really cool picture...with the cracked glass and everything?

BTW if any of you were wondering, i use a Nikon D80, its an SLR.