Which sport is your favorite to watch and/or play?

Quote of the week

One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

more famous quotes

March 31, 2010

Upon my return blog parade!!!

MckLinky Blog Hop

1. If you had to describe yourself in one word, what would you say?
Only one word? Okay... enthusiastic.

2. If you could go anywhere in the world with anyone you wanted to, where would you go and who with?
I would go to Switzerland with my lovely boyfriend, Drummer Boy.

3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
I would like to be able to hold my breath as long as I could so I could explore the depths of the ocean.

4. What is one habit (or two ;) that you get teased about a lot?
My obsession with the bass clarinet. Lol.

5. What is (or are) your food obsession(s)?
I'm obsessed with bananas. LOVE THEM!!!!

6. What is the best April Fools prank you pulled on someone or that someone pulled on you?
When I was seven, my dad came in to wake me up and said it was snowing. I believed him and jumped up, ran over to my window and saw that there wasn't snow and in the process of doing so, hit my head on my lamp leaving a bruise there for days.

7. If you were an inanimate object, what would you be?
A bass clarinet, DUH!

8. Let's say you could change the world in one way. How would you change it?
To remove poverty all over the world.

9. You have a million dollars (*gasp* ;). How do you spend it?
I would donate 3/4 of it to charity and the last 1/4 I would spend on clothes.

10. What is one thing that always takes your breath away? (That could mean in a good way OR a bad way)
A sunset.

11. You are granted three wishes. What do you wish for? (Remember, you can't wish for more wishes ;)
1) To end world hunger
2) To get world peace
3) That Drummer Boy would be granted more courage.

12. You can spend the day with one character from a book or series that you've read. Who is that character?
Anne Frank. I think it would be interesting to learn what it was like during the Holocaust.

13. What is something odd or interesting about you that is not commonly known?
I live on a farm with three steer that we send to the butcher every fall. We get new steer each spring.

14. What is one thing that you absolutely positively cannot stand?

15. Say you committed a crime. The judge gives you a choice between sentences: twenty years of complete solitude in the mountains or never having another moment alone for the rest of your life. Your choice?
Twenty years of complete solitude in the mountains because I would become more in touch with nature. And it would eventually end.

16. What is one benefit that blogging has given you?
I no longer have tons of emotion built up inside of me because I post it on the blog.

17. A perfect day in your eyes would be...?
A sunny, warm day with Drummer Boy, no interruptions and no obligations. And the day ending with a picture perfect sunset.

March 30, 2010

Teen Girls Daybook- week 7

Date... Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Starting time... 4:26 PM
Mood... hyper
Outside my window... its raining. :( stupid rain
I'm thinking... about what a fun day i had. (if you were in my school, you would understand)
I'm reading... The Diary of Anne Frank (no its not for school)
I'm listening to... the sounds of Scooby-Doo in the other room, being watched by my sister
I'm wearing... Lei jeans and a purple t-shirt
Yesterday, I... started crocheting a cow.
I'm excited for... tomorrow, im going to my aunt's!
I'm sad because... drummer boy wouldnt hug me...its ok though.
I'm hungry for... nothing
The song stuck inside my head is... Lets go fly a kite from Marry Poppins lol
I want... to go horseback riding. lol. idk why.
I love... talking.
I loathe... being silent
This week, my goal is... to have fun on vacation.
Did I meet last week's goal?... yupp!!!!
Ending time... 4:33 PM

Im gonna add one..

I'm happy because... I GOT A 101 ON MY BAND ASSESSMENT!!!!!

ok im good now. lol. byeas!!!

March 27, 2010

Just typing

hey there.
its just been a while since ive just written a post about stuff. not really any particular subject, just rambling on about useless stuff. most of my recent posts have either been tags or things about drummer boy. well, drummer boy is awesome, ill give you that, but interwebz, i think you know about him right now at this time of day. so im gonna talk about things, just plain, random things. its so strange because before spring actually 'started' it was so warm, and now its 42 degrees out. brrr! ive been talking in poetry, not on the blog, but to my friends, a lot lately. i think that this is because i always seem to make poems whenever i feel some strong emotion, and right now in this point in time its love. ive had that emotion for some time now, and i havent really shared the wonders of it with many people, and when i do, i always lean toward telling them through poetry. some people have told me that i should be a poet with i grow up, but the thing is, i can only write poetry when i feel deeply about something, and quite frankly, thats not that often. if someone hands me a piece of paper and a pen and told me to write a poem, i wouldnt be able to do that. but if they took me to a third world country and then told met to write a poem about that place, then i probably would be able to write a poem because what i saw affected me so much.
thats my rambling for the day. lol.


March 26, 2010


This is our new button guys! like it?

I know its love

You know its love.
You don't know quite why,
but you know its true.
You get that feeling.
That bubbly feeling.
The feeling we all long to experience
When you pass him,
all you can do is smile.
Your face turns cherry red
as he looks at you in math.
You think about him day
and night.
You swoon over his every word,
longing someday that he will be yours.
That you will be able to fly among clouds with him,
hand in hand.
That you will stroll along a beach,
off in the Caribbean, just talking.
All you want is a conversation.
Something to acknowledge that you're there.
Something to show that he knows your name.
What if that day came?
If he told you he loved you?
If you flew among the clouds.
Cherishing every moment of everyday
that you can call him yours.
That you can turn to your friends,
point to him and say,
"I love him"
You'd get that feeling.
That bubbly feeling.
The feeling you love to experience,
and now that he is yours,
you can.

March 25, 2010

Candle on the water

Rules: Put your music player on shuffle. Then answer the following questions by using the title to each song that plays while on shuffle.

Are you male or female? Dancing through life

What do people feel when they are around you? When You're Gone (does this mean they miss me?)

Describe your current relationship: No good deed (SO NOT TRUE. I LOVE MY BOYFRIEND)

Where would you like to be right now? Lets go fly a kite (haha id love to)

How do you feel about love? Hold on

Whats your life like? The Driveway

What would you wish for if you only had one wish? (this is the song, not part of the question) Who Knew?

Say something wise? I'll meet you there

If someone says "Is this okay. . ." You say? One man show

How would you describe yourself? All-American Girl (SOO TRUE!!!!!)

How do you feel today? Disturbia

What is your life's purpose? Rainbow Veins

What is your motto? The Truth (what a coincidence)

What do your friends think of you? Circle of Life

What do you think of your parents? Wheel of the World

What do you think of very often? I dont wanna be in Love (not true. i love love!)

What is 2+2? Oh, the things you can think

What do you think of your best friend? Alone in the Universe (shes not alone though!)

What is your life story? Goodbye (no, this is messed up)

What do you want to be when you grow up? Money, Money, Money (lol)

What will you dance to at your wedding? Still in love with you (makes sense)

What will they play at your funeral? What is this feeling? (sadness, lol)

What is your hobby/interest? Unapologize

What is your biggest fear? Can't have you

What is your biggest secret? Mamma Mia!

What do you think of your friends? Someday my prince will come (he already did!)

What will you re-post this as? Candle on the water

I TAG: everyone and anyone!

March 24, 2010


ya kno wats really weird? last year i HATED running, and this year im obsessed with running! track was so much fun 2day. we did our warm-up lap, which im still working on completing without stopping, then we did exercises again, then we split up into what we think we might do...long distance or sprints. i am personally gonna do sprints cuz i cant run long distance. so we did run 200 m, jog 100 m, run 200 m ect. for a mile, then we did little speed activites. it was fun.

March 23, 2010

Teen Girls Daybook- week 6

Date... Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Starting time... 6:28 PM
Mood... pumped
Outside my window... it is drizzling, and its really muddy
I'm thinking... about how much I love running
I'm reading... nothing right now, i just finished my book.
I'm listening to... just dance by lady gaga
I'm wearing... school softball sweats and a green camp t-shirt
Yesterday, I... had the last performance of phantom of the country opera
I'm excited for... track!!!!!
I'm sad because... it rained
I'm hungry for... a banana
The song stuck inside my head is... 6 measures from the song we are playing in band, the 80's
I want... to run some more
I love... running!!!
I loathe... mud.
This week, my goal is... to do the warm-up run for track without stopping
Did I meet last week's goal?... no. i did something else instead
Ending time... 6:34 PM

runnING not runnER

today was the first day of track practice. i think i did pretty good, first we ran around the perimeter of the track and the baseball field. that got EVERYONE muddy from the ankles up to their hips. then we did these exercises, like high knee and butt kicks and such. everyone groaned when he said to do butt kicks cuz it was so muddy and they didnt want to get their shorts muddy. suck it up. lol. after that, we did a 20 minuet jog around the skool wherever we wanted, getting me even more muddy. then it started raining, yippie. it was fun though, and im so glad im doing track.

March 22, 2010

Drummer Boy and Phantom

I'm so happy. Im joyus, yet also sad at the same time.
Today was the FINAL performance of our play. thats why im sad. it was so much fun! i think im gonna do pit orchestra next year. idk.

yet on the other hand, i got to go to Drummer Boy's band! I skipped spanish cuz i had a sub, and went to band instead of yucky spanish.
his band is soooooo much better than mine. the difference is literally NIGHT AND DAY. i also got to hear him on the drum set, hes so good! i've told him that about 20 million times, but hes sooo good, and i cant get that out of my mind! hes also so sweet, and nice, and he cares. im so sorry whoever is reading this. but hes so awesome and i cant believe im lucky enough to be his girlfriend. i dont think i have ever, EVER been this happy in my entire life. you really dont know how it feels to love until you are loved in return.

im also kinda mad because its RAINING. STUPID STUPID RAIN. today is---sorry WAS--- the 1st day of track season. now 2moro is the 1st day. FRICKIN RAIN. GO AWAY. WE ALREADY GOT ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!

i think thats it. lol.



Picture tag

If I were a gemstone I would be a(n): Peridot

If I were a scent I would be: lavender

If I were a pair of shoes I would be: Flip-flops

If I were weather I would be: a light rain

If I were a facial expression I would be: an ear to ear smile

If I were a car I would be: A BMW

If I were a time of day I would be: sunset

If I were a month I would be: August

If I were a place I would be: Hawaii

If I were a liquid I would be: Lemonade

If I were taste I would be: strawberry

If I were a sea animal I would be: A humuhumu-nukunuku-ä-pua‘a

If I were a food I would be: ribs

If I were a color I would be: sea blue

If I were a musical instrument I would be: A sparkling bass clarinet

If I were a flower I would be: a bird of paridise

If I were a piece of music I would be: The Final Countdown: Band arrangement

If I were a planet I would be: Neptune

If I were an object I would be: a treadmill

If I were a fruit I would be: A pineapple

If I were a sound I would be: A timpani drum

If I were a day of the week I would be: Wednesday

I tag- Anyone who plays a musical instrument!

March 21, 2010

Phantom of the Country Opera, tape 2

The play yesterday was so much fun!
some of the eighth graders were crying because it was their last full performance on that stage. i was on the verge of crying a few times, but i didnt shed a tear.
but it was so much fun, and next year i think im gonna do pit orestra instead of the actual play. idk yet though. im so tired though. we had two performances yesterday. it was fun though!!!

March 20, 2010

Phantom of the Country Opera

Hey! The play went great. Apparently, when Darque was doing one of his scenes, his pants fell down! :o that must have been funny. other than that though, i thought that we did pretty good. one down, two to go. im doing TWO performances today. God, im so excited!!!!! wish me luck!!!

March 19, 2010

Plays, boyfriends and awesomeness

Hey there people!!!
Today is the play! I'm so excited!! I'm going over to Italian's house tonight to eat dinner then we"ll go to the school and get ready and PERFORM!!! Im sooooo excited!!!!!!!! Im not really nervous though because i did the play last year, and i am so much more used to it now. lol.
second of all, my boyfriend is AWESOME. hes so nice and kind and im so happy hes mine. im like the happiest and luckiest girl in the whole wide world!!! hes so funny, and i know that no matter what happens between us, we will always, ALWAYS be friends.
one last thing,
Follow your heart
Trust your instincts
and Live your LIFE

March 17, 2010

Tag from Treble Clef

1. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I'd like to go to Belgium because i did a lot of research about it in 5th grade and it just sounds like a cool place to visit.

2. Why did you start blogging?
I forget what i googled, but i looked something up, blogger came up, and here i am now!

3. What is your ambition?
To become a vet. I've always had a passion for animals.

4. How many siblings do you have?
One younger sister. That annoying little devil. If you met her, you'd understand.

5. What is your favorite subject in school?
Band, DUH!!! But i also like math.

6. What is your favorite Bible verse?
I cant really remember any that stick out in my mind.

7. What is one of your hobbies?
Taking pictures.

8. If someone handed a five dollar bill to you, what would you do with it?
I would probably donate it...??? I dont really know.

9. If your siblings came up to you with their math book and asked you for help, you'd say:
"Go ask mom. I'm busy."

10. If you could have one of these following abilities, what would it be?
a. singing

b. sewing

c. skateboarding

d. song writing

e. guitar playing

f. swimming

g. writing

h. riding a bike

I would love to be able to ride a skateboard.

I tag: anyone who is NOT from outer space.

March 16, 2010

hey peeps im at rehersal right now. its kinda boring, but its also so much fun!!! the play is on fri and im so excited! well, ttyl!

Teen Girls Daybook- week 5

Date... Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Starting time... 7:45 AM
Mood... tired
Outside my window... the sun is rising
I'm thinking... that im happy we have a delayed opening.
I'm reading... The Lightning Thief
I'm listening to... the ticking of clocks from the other room
I'm wearing... my pj's
Yesterday, I... had no school!!!
I'm excited for... Friday, opening night for my play!!!
I'm sad because... the previews for my play today are canceled.
I'm hungry for... a blueberry bagel.
The song stuck inside my head is... Tic ToK
I want... breakfast
I love... Drummer Boy
I loathe... yarn needles. They are such a pain in the ass.
This week, my goal is... to make a freeze frame video for a school project.
Did I meet last week's goal?... YES!!!!!
Ending time... 7:53 AM

March 15, 2010

fone posting

hey people ive set it up so i can post from my fone so if i ever lose internet again, i can still post.


Relating to what keshia posted underneath this, we didnt lose power, but i didnt have internet for 48 hours. it was torture. thats kinda why i havent been posting. but it was a HUGE, like kick-ass big storm. im just happy that we are all alive.

The Storm

You know the storm that came by on Saturday night? The one that knocked out electricity in 1.5 million homes in the in our area? The one that is the cause of no school today, monday? It was actually a Nor'easter or something. But it seemed more than that, right? My family lost electricity for 18 hours! That was one of the wildest storms in New Jersey in 30 years.

Hunger and Poverty is in the world, and We gotta do something about it!

As you can tell, from my overy long title, there are issues in the world. One of those issues are hunger. About 3 billion people in the world live on $2 or less everyday. That means, if they have a family, some people are probably not getting food tonight. Most of you out there are worried about getting fat. People in developing and under developed countries are worrying about if they are gping to live or die of malnutrition, starvation or dehudration. So I am asking you to go to thehungercite.org and pick on the BIG YELLOW BUTTON. for every click, a sponser donates money to help people get food and clean water. So click on the BIG YELLOW BUTTON a hundred times, I don't care. But do your part to help these people. After all, if we CAN do something, then is it fair to not?

March 13, 2010

i didnt really dance...

Hey there. Well, heres what happened at the dance...
so at first we just said hi to eachother when we walked by eachother.
then i went up and talked to him and we talked...then he accused me of having spies. (NOT TRUE, and he was jking) but it did kinda seam like it cuz everywhere we walked, one of my friends was there. hey, its not my fault i have a lot of friends.
so yah...he said he would dance with me, that never really happened. he later told me that he was just nervous, i can completely understand. like i was a little nervous too, but i got over that feeling. so he owes me a dance. lol. at the end of the dance, when everyone was leaving, (this is gonna sound weird, so if you dont wanna read any further, please dont) i was like talking to him, and i had to go, so i asked something along these lines,
"Since you didnt dance with me, could i at least have a hug?"
he said no, but later said that he was just really REALLY nervous. he said he would've hugged me if he wasnt so nervous. that fact, that he didnt hug me, brought me down a little, not much, but then i stepped into his shoes, and i understood. i forgave him, and weve been texting eachother all day today, even though we were both at rehersal! (hes in the orchestra, im in the chorus) hes so nice though, and i know he loves me, i just have to find a way to make him un-nervous. idk how the heck im gonna do that.
well, ttyl

March 12, 2010

Dancing the night away

Hey there people. Today is the dance that drummer boy and i are going to. im so excited!!! im finally going to be able to spend some time with him. I never get to spend time with him, i only have one class with him, and we sit no where near eachother. well ill tell you guys how tonight turns out!!!

March 11, 2010


The rules: grab a book (the nearest book to you). Turn to page 123. Go to the fifth sentence and post the next five sentences.

" When we were returned to our cell in the Hospital, I was expecting the Matron to rush in and stun-gun us till we screamed for mercy. I was expecting the Visitor to come whip us to shreds with his riding crop. I was expecting them to throw us to the hellhounds for their supper. Instead, it got a little worse than that. They sent... Bryon Swain."

This is from Which and Wizard, and its so awesome!!!

I tag- anyone who likes to read!!!!

March 10, 2010

Phantom of the Country Opera

Hey whats up? Hey, erin? how come i got kicked out of your rehersal for phantom of the country opera today? That was ridiculous! totally ludicrous! Absurd! (I have a tab to thesaurus.com, just sayin' i don't know all these words) Outlandish! i thought I could watch! Guess not...

For those of you who do not know what this "Phantom of the Country Opera" is this musical that Erin is in. Though, if you are on this site, you probably do, cuz you know either me or erin, so... Moving on: I did not get to see her rehearse because Mr. Chorus Teacher sent a rep to kick me and my friends out. Not fair. But i am going to see it this weekend, so it better be good.

March 9, 2010

Teen Girls Daybook- week 4

Date... Tuesday, March 9th, 2010
Starting time... 6:25 PM
Mood... lovely
Outside my window... OMG I CAN ACTUALLY SEE THE SKY.
I'm thinking... how good my life is
I'm reading... Witch and Wizard
I'm listening to... my sister watching scooby doo
I'm wearing... socks, lei jeans, white cami, aeropastal white shirt, abercrombie white sweat shirt
Yesterday, I... asked drummer boy to the dance, which he said yes to.
I'm excited for... friday, the dance
I'm sad because... Italian wasnt at rehearsal today leaving me lonely
I'm hungry for... pretzels
The song stuck inside my head is... replay
I want... nothing. my life is the best it can be right now.
I love... my bf
I loathe... people who dont like others for being kind
This week, my goal is... to keep my bf through the week
Did I meet last week's goal?... sigh. no. i wore a different thing to the bat mitzvah instead
Ending time... 6:29

March 8, 2010

yes Yes YES

Ok so i asked drummer boy to the dance that my skool is holding on friday. at first i brought my friends with me, but then realized that was so not the right thing to do. he was acting like he couldnt hear me or something(he later told me that he was just nervous with my friends there) so i finally built up enough courage to ask him, with out friends clinging onto my every word, and no surprise, HE SAID YES!!! is was a little hesitant, be as i said, he was nervous. so i dont blame him. i have been floating on cloud nine ever since that one word. "Yes"

March 7, 2010


*sigh* hes so awesome
I think about him all the time.
i cant seem to get his lovely face out of my brain.
he said he loves me. multiple times.
ive said i love him. many times.
we love each other and thats that.
this is from Nightworld Book 2- Soulmate

"She was with he flying companion-her playmate. The one who was sacred to her, who was the other half of the mysteries of life for her. The one who would always be there for her, helping her, watching her back, picking her up when she fell down, listening to her stories-no matter how many times she told them. Loving her even when she was stupid. Understanding her without words. Being inside the innermost circle in her mind. Her soulmate."

March 6, 2010

i love him

I will ask him to the dance (sorry Keshia!!!) if he doesnt ask me first.
but that all depends.
We love eachother. its so sweet. ive never been really in love before. i thought i was, , but to have someone love you back makes the feeling all that much stronger.
I love him.
its the first thing i think of when i wake up now.
the first thing i think of when i go to sleep.
I love him

He is way better than runner or flip

Hey, drummer boy, is waaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy better than runner or flip a.k.a midgety trumpeter. He isn't a jerk, he is totally nice, he is really talented (think the only drummer in jazz band who is in 7th grade) and he is smart. Does he really call u his girl friend? then ASK HIM OUT! cuz, if u like him then u will. i dare u.

alright people.

ill tell the world wide web how i knows he likes me.
1- he TOLD ME
2- he texts me every waking hour (i love that)
3- he keeps saying how happy he is
4- who wouldnt like me? jk. but seriously, he does like me
5- he refers to me as his girlfriend

and u know what keshia? can you tell me what you have against short people??? why are you so mad at me for having a thing for short people? can anyone pleasssseeee answer this.

short guy. AGAIN!

Hey, i totally told you about what we should name him. Plus, how do u know he likes you? And seriously? didn't i tell you that the next guy you like must be TALL. T-A-L-L. and is drummer boy tall? ummmmm....... not really. but he is taller than runner. IMPROVEMENT!!!!

March 5, 2010

this was the best day ever

I figured out this afternoon that the guy I like likes me back!!
Nothing could be better than this feeling.
He is short...*sigh* i do NOT know what is with me and short people!!!
I'm gonna call him Drummer Boy cuz hes sooooo awesome at drums.
I was going to call this, I HAVE A BOYFRIEND but i wasnt sure if you would classify us as gf and bf yet. so i just named it what it is named.

March 4, 2010

mwahahaha. victory is mine baby!!!

the best thing happened yesterday!!!!!
Ok, so i was texting Italian, and then she tells me that RUNNER AND HIS GF BROKE UP.
I'm so glad because i was talking to Bubble and she said that Runner didnt like me as a friend (this was like a week ago guys) so i confronted him through texting... (yah im a chicken) and he said that he no longer wanted to be my friend cuz of his girlfriend. i find that insane. and i was also texting my other friend Soccer, and she was like,
"When ___ and ______ break up, ___ is going to come crawling back to his friends and they will all turn him away because hes been such an ass to them."
Well Soccer believes that they broke up because he still wanted to be friends with me. He KNEW he was losing a valuable friend, and he wanted her back. well not gonna happen. if hes such a jerk to do that, i can IMAGINE what he would do if we were best friends. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!
Well thats about it. :)

March 3, 2010

Interesting tag from Treble Clef

1. What's your favorite time of day, and why?
Sunset (it changes ya know) because the sky turns all these brillant colors.

2. If health weren't an issue, what would you live off?

3. If you could have one wish granted (besides wishing for more wishes) what would it be? To have someone love me for who I am.

4. What is one thing you get teased about a lot?
Ha...ha...ha....uh...my addiction to the bass clarinet and treadmills. Lol.

5. If you could chose one movie, book, of TV show to live in what would it be? What kind of a character would you be? Hm...The Italian Job and I would probably be someone who hacks into control termanals and such.

6. If you could have a talent that you don't already have, what would it be?
Hm. I would probably like to be able to cure the sick without medicine.

7. If money were no object, where would you go on vacation?
Can I choose two places? Whatever. Belgium and Japan. Belgium because I am Belgian, and Japan because I wanna see Japan (the person) again!!!

8. If you were an awesome singer, what genre would you sing?

9. If you could have a $10,000 shopping spree to one store, which one would it be?
The largest shoe store I would find.

10. If you could live in any point in time, what would it be?
Now. I like present day.

11. If every outfit in your wardrobe had to be one color, what would it be?
Baby blue

12. If you were one of the seven dwarves, which one would you be?

13. What's the last album you listened to?
Carrie Underwood, Play On

14. What would be something that we'd be surprised to know about you?
On weekdays, I am a morning person. On weekENDS I am so NOT a morning person.

I tag: Anyone who likes to sing.

March 2, 2010

Teen Girls Daybook- week 3

Date... Tuesday, March 2nd, 2010
Starting time... 6:28 PM
Mood... cheery
Outside my window... there is nothing in sight...just plain darkness
I'm thinking... how much I love to sing
I'm reading... Nightworld book 2 (still, lol)
I'm listening to... the rattling of my 4 year old sister playing with blocks.
I'm wearing... socks, Lei jeans, abercrombie and fitch pink t-shirt, abercrombie white sweat shirt.
Yesterday, I... worked all night on a spanish project
I'm excited for... saturday, my friends bat mitzvah
I'm sad because... i have a test tomorrow
I'm hungry for... anything really, i havent eaten since.... 12!!!
The song stuck inside my head is... Do you wanna hear a country tune? (from the musical i am currently in)
I want... to knit...i am going to after i finish this.
I love... knitting and crocheting!!!
I loathe... plastic crochet needles....KILL THEM ALL
This week, my goal is... to finish knitting my shrug!!! (google it.)
Did I meet last week's goal?... YES!!! YAY I AM NO LONGER SICK!!!
Ending time... 6:34