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Quote of the week

One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

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February 26, 2010

Runner, Birthdays, and snow

Hey peeps. 1st of all, HAPPY BIRTHDAY KESHIA!!!!!!!
2nd of all.... RUNNER IS A JERK. He says that just cuz of his girlfriend he no longer wishes to be friends with me. I find something VERY wrong with that. He is head over heels for this girl! Its pathetic!!!
3rd, it snowed. Yippie. Usually i would b jumping for joy, but they canceled school. Again, i usually would be jumping for joy about this, but cuz this is our 3rd snow day, they had to take off a day during spring break so that we can still hav 180 days of school. It didnt even snow that much!!! We couldve had school. I like spring break.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

TOLD YOU RUNNER WAS A JERK!!! HAHA! you still love me though...and the spring break thing didnt affect me...I missed school anyway... MWAHAHAHAHAHA! lol, <3 Reba