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One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

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May 24, 2010

25 random things

I saw a post on ~Carpe Diem~ that was a tag sorta thing with 25 random things about yourself. so here i go!!

1. When i tried out instruments in 4th grade, i almost chose the flute.

2. When im watching a movie of what-not, i have to have something in my hands or else i wont be able to focus.

3. Ive wanted to be a vet my whole life

4. I really like gross things like worms and stuff.

5. I have never been outside of the US

6. My favorite food is shrimp

7. I laugh at almost everything

8. I would like to be a good artist, but i know that will never be ;)

9. One of my best friends is a guy

10. I hate people who dont shut up.

11. Surprisingly, i have a very loud voice. Yet im usually really quiet in class.

12. I love all bugs except wasps. *shiver* they creep me out.

13. I started to play softball two years ago and now im in love with it.

14. Really big instruments are my thing, i love my bass clarinet and in HS im gonna play the contrabass clarinet (google it) for the wind ensamble.

15. Im a teachers pet, they all love me.

16. Awkard silences really annoy me. Cuz no one says anything and you can literaly hear peoples mind working overtime.

17. I love reading, but it takes me ages to finish a book.

18. My band teacher will kill me if i dont join pit orchestra next year. Oh joy.

19. I love getting text messaages. I like to press the "OK" button and open the message up and see what the words hold.

20. My phone has a large crack on the inside screne and its hard to read texts.

21. You know that smell when you walk into your grandparents house? I love that smell.

22. I love helping people. Mostly elders or disabled people.

23. When i have a certain ammount of money, i can never decide how to spend it.

24. I use sarcasim on a daily basis.

25. I wish that i could fly.

I tag....anyone who reads this blog.

1 comment:

Kendra Logan said...

How cool! I loved reading your answers! Thanks!
