Which sport is your favorite to watch and/or play?

Quote of the week

One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

more famous quotes

May 3, 2010


Hey guys! surprise surprise, heres another blog parade thats happening! hehe. if you have a blogger, i suggest that you join the parade at
hehe. have fun readin my answers below

1. Why do you have the blogger name that you have? Because it is my real name! Haha

2. Do you have any siblings? Yupp, one younger sister, Devon, who is 4

3. Coke or Pepsi? Hm..... Pepsi

4. What are your feelings about thunderstorms? LOVE THEM.

5. Do you prefer the sound of a trumpet, or the sound of a flute? Well, it really depends who's PLAYING the trumpet. if its not midgety trumpeter (a.k.a. flip), then trumpet. if it IS midgety trumpeter, then flute.

6. Vegan, Vegetarian, Omnivore, or Carnivore? I am a proud omnivore.

7. What is your ideal pet? I would really like a hamster. But i love my dog too. :)

8. Describe your dream life when you grow up. Okay, so i will graduate high school, go to Cornel University for 6-8 years, major in animal science and minor in anatomy, graduate that with a masters/doctor degree then go to a vetrinaty school for 6-8 years, become a vet in my home town and marry the love of my life, and live happily with two kids.

9. Pick a color and write a poem about it.
my color is sea blue

Like the crystal sea
or the endless sky,
the color blue
can be found everywhere.

10. Compose a song or conduct the band? Totally conduct.

11. Novels or comics? Novels ftw!

12. Laptops or desktop? Macs or PC's? Laptop, Mac

13. Would you like to go sky diving? YAH BABY!

14. Do you want to learn to surf? Hm....no thanks, ill pass

15. WHich are you more afraid of- Sharks, bears or snakes? I love snakes, but sharks and bears really freak me out. But i have to say bears take the cake.

16. When writing- cursive, print or combination? Print. i hate cursive. yuck.

17. Red Sox or Yankees? YANKEES FTW!!!!!!!!!!

18. Do you wear glasses/contacts? Yes...*sigh* i hate my glasses.

19. Do you follow over 100 blogs? Nope. About 15 i think

20. What is your favorite type of music? Hm....im not really sure. Modern country i guess. Carrie Underwood rocks.

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