Which sport is your favorite to watch and/or play?

Quote of the week

One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

more famous quotes

June 30, 2010


This was this really cool building...like the whole outside was a mosic.
We went to a park to have lunch and we lucked out and saw these ballerinas LOOKING for photographers...they got 12.
This is part of the outside of the prison

today, with my photography camp im going to a prision, dont worry. its old and a popular torist desination. im soo excited! ill put up pics wen i get bck l8r.

June 29, 2010

Broken Heart

My heart,

My broken, shattered heart,

is damaged,

far beyond any repair could fix.

I’ve given my heart,

Not only to one,

But to many.

My friends,

My family.

To the ones I love.

The ones I love,

Whether they are

Male, female, black, white,

Near, far, family, friends,

I trust them.

I trust them with my heart,

my soul

and sometimes,

my life.

Some though don’t care.

They don’t care that I gave them my heart.

They don’t care that I spend

countless hours worrying,

afraid that I will never see them again.

They take the heart

that I have so painstakingly given to them,

throw it on the ground

and leave it there to rot.

I want to say that I forgot

all the people that have crushed my heart.

But saying this would be

a rather large lie.

Each of these people are still in my heart.

I have never quite let go.

Every day,

every hour,

every minute,

I am constantly reminded

of how simple words can hurt so much.

I don’t want your sympathy,

I don’t want a Hallmark card,

all I want

is to forget.

Photography Camp

Hi all!
My friend looked at this blog the other day...and she said that it was a tad bit on the boring side. WELL since i happen to be in photography camp this week and next, i thought that i should show you the wonderful pictures i take at this camp. I think ill show you two-three pictures i take each day for two weeks. that'll be fun, right? haha. i'll put captions under them as well.

So this was a girl drawing on her hand with a sharpie...who knows why, but i thought it was a great picture.

And yesterday we went for a walk in the woods...and this leaf was on the ground, and i thought it was a really neat contrast between the yellow and the mulch.

So these are the pictures for today....ill show you more tomorrow.

Teen Girls Daybook- week 19

Date... Tuesday June 29, 2010
Starting time... 12:21 PM
Mood... Calm
Outside my window...the sun is shining...I think...I'm nowhere near any windows haha
I'm thinking... about the photography camp im in right now
I'm reading... Three Cups of Tea :(
I'm listening to... the sounds of me typing and other people clicking things on their computers.
I'm wearing... jean shorts, a purple aero T-shirt, a cross necklace and two rings on right hand.
Yesterday, I... started my photography camp
I'm excited for... tomorrow, we are going to an old prision to take pictures.
I'm sad because... i cant go camping with skittles this weekend :(
I'm hungry for... nothing, just had lunch a few minuets ago.
The song stuck inside my head is... Amazing Mayzie
I want... to take an awesome photo these two weeks at my camp
I love... photography
I loathe... video cameras...idk whyy
This week, my goal is... to take an awesome photo at my photography camp
Did I meet last week's goal? erm...nope....i didnt make him anything
Ending time... 12:26 pm

June 25, 2010

hey ppl, im in the car going to a cousin's wedding...so i wont b able to post til monday.
as for "Erin is..."...
In the car going to a wedding
(4:28 pm EST)

June 24, 2010

heeeyyy im at the nail salon right now, sitting in the chair getting my tonaills painted :) yippie!

June 23, 2010

Cool new thing on Google Chrome

Hey people! Believe it or not, im actually NOT on blogger and this is not being sent from my phone either. 
I am using a new thing i put onto my browser, called scribefire. its this application where you put in the adress and your login and such then when you press the little button to get to the place where you write the blog you can type in the post and then it will send it right to the site!! i think its realllyyy cool and this is what i will be using in the future...you guys wont notice at all, but i thought i should share this really cool extension with you. if you have google chrome and want this extension then heres the site...
have fun!!


June 22, 2010

Teen Girls Daybook- week 18

Date... Tuesday June 22, 2010
Starting time... 8:47 am
Mood... tired
Outside my window... the sun is up, the birds are on the wing...lol idk
I'm thinking... about Italian...idk...she doesnt really seam like my bff anymore...
I'm reading... The Piano Man
I'm listening to... Calle Ocho
I'm wearing... my pj's :)
Yesterday, I... spent all day with my big sis ;)
I'm excited for... Saturday, my cousin's wedding!!!
I'm sad because... i dont really think im sad...
I'm hungry for... breakfast...pancakes
The song stuck inside my head is... calle ocho cuz im listening to it lol
I want... to go shopping...i want a new dress
I love... shopping
I loathe... dollar stores
This week, my goal is... to finish making something for my cousin for his wedding present...idk what im gonna make him though
Did I meet last week's goal?... No :( i got a 84% on my SS final :( A's on everything else though!
Ending time... 8:51 am

June 18, 2010

Well then...

OMG you will never guess what The Faithful Elven Princess is giving away...the CUTEST little journal and pen EVER. I'm entering it right now, and i just thought i should mention it so that you, my friend, can enter it too!!! its sooo cute and it would be just awesome if i won. cool, right??? haha. well you should join it by going to... http://thefaithfulelvenprincess.blogspot.com/2010/06/surpise.html
Have fun and good luck!!!

Luv ya ppl

WOO HOO!!!!!!

Haha. I didnt really know what to title this...lol. I AM OFFICIALLY AN 8TH GRADER!!!!!! w00t w00t!!! Today was AWESOME. I took a million pictures and got some more sigs to add to my already filled up pages in my yearbook. im sooo happy yet also sooo sad. i didnt cry, thats good. so basically this was the day...8:30-9:50 all the teachers handed out awards for "Highest Average" and stuff like that for each class period...i got 3, one for band "Excellent Leadership", science "Science Seeker", and for public speaking "Period 5 Best Effort". i also got a medal with the band thingy :D im soo happy. i cant believe that the school year is OVER. i waled those halls the last time as a 7th grader...sorta sad...and i walked out with my "big sis" i got to share this sorta special moment with her :) ill ttyl peeps!! ♥♥

your new 8th grader (!!)

June 17, 2010


I CANT believe it...the school year is finally coming to a close...tomorrow at 12:40 pm, i will offically no longer be a 7th grader...this is so sad :( I'm gonna miss all my 8th grade friends...like Darque and people...im probably gonna cry :( its sorta happy tho cuz well, ITS THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!! The school year went by SOOOO fast...i met so many awesome people that i wont forget...i cant believe that im gonna be leaving school as a 7th grader for the last time tomorrow...its gonna be sad...ill have my bass clarinet in one hand, my yearbook and pen in the other and stroll out the doors with my "big sis" lol. (we call eachother sisters but we rnt related at all) im gonna cry, im gonna sob, but ill live. ill probably see most of my friends throughout the summer...they're awesome. ill report back 2moro afternoon with the play-by-play of the day.

tty wen im an 8th grader!!

June 15, 2010

Teen Girls Daybook- week 17

Date... Tuesday Jun 15, 2010
Starting time... 2:28 pm
Mood... jelous :P
Outside my window... the daylight is streaming in and its 78 degrees out :)
I'm thinking... about my friends cuz they're awesome
I'm reading... The Piano Man
I'm listening to... Vanilla Twilight
I'm wearing... white Old Navy flip-flops, shorts and a gray NYC T-shirt
Yesterday, I... had my first 2 finals of the year...yippie
I'm excited for... FRIDAY!!! LAST DAY OF SKOOL!!
I'm sad because... i cant go to a friend's party on sat. cuz im going to my sis's bday party :(
I'm hungry for... nothing, ate lunch a few mins ago
The song stuck inside my head is... The Truth by Kris Allen
I want... to not have any more finals
I love... friends:)
I loathe... wasps :P
This week, my goal is... to get an A on each of my finals
Did I meet last week's goal?... YES!!! FUNK IS GONE!!!
Ending time... 2:32 pm

June 9, 2010

Teen Girls Daybook- week 16

Date... Wednesday June 9, 2010
Starting time... 5:08 pm
Mood... depressed, sad
Outside my window... its raining...i love rain
I'm thinking... about how sad i am
I'm reading... Catagory 7
I'm listening to... myself sob
I'm wearing... shorts and some type of shirt
Yesterday, I... was a very happy person
I'm excited for... friday, wwak's bday party
I'm sad because... nilloc broke up with me
I'm hungry for... comfort food, strawberries
The song stuck inside my head is... break your heart
I want... to not be depressed!!!
I love... my friends. they are awesome
I loathe... idiots
This week, my goal is... to get out of this funk!
Did I meet last week's goal?... i have no fricking clue and i dont care
Ending time... 5:10 pm
so so sorry, i forgot to do my daybook yesterday. i will when i get home from school today.
have a nice day everyone!

June 7, 2010

I sent...

Hey peeps. I sent this to Nilloc a few minuets ago and he said it was a great riddle, so i thought id show this to you. NOTE- THIS IS WRITTEN IN 2ND PERSON PERSPECTIVE

What I might give you,
it can not be bought.
It can not be sold.
You can't see it,
you can't touch it,
but you can feel it.
No one can describe it for you.
No amount of words can tell you
what it will feel like.
You might have the opportunity
to feel this sensation I am describing,
but yet again,
you night not.
Don't be alarmed tomorrow
if I pull you over for a second.
I hope that if I have
enough courage to complete this task,
this will be the best birthday ever.
But i seriously doubt myself.
I honestly think
that I do not have enough courage
to pull off this daring task.
You have no idea how much I
would love to, but
I'm afraid that what I might do
would possibly pull us apart.
So I guess that your present
will just be having me,
a hug, comforting words,
and a rather lengthy poem.
Yet no one can ever tell
what tomorrow's sun rays
will bring upon us.

I'll tell you tomorrow what this riddle is referring to.

June 5, 2010

Awesome night

Hey guys!!!
Well, i sure have a lot to tell you.
First thing first, I have a new boyfriend and he will now on be Nilloc. Dont ask y.
It was really fun. Last night i went to his house at around 6-ish and we sat and talked til 7 when his mom drove us to the dance. From 7-9:30 we paced the school and talked and laughed and complimented each other. Haha. Then when the dance was over, we held hands :) it was really sweet and all my friends were like "awww!" it was funny. I really like him. Hes so nice and sweet and such, i cant really describe it. Lol.
I guess that was a shorter post then i thought it was gonna b...so ill ttyl!


June 2, 2010

im going ice skating today...in JUNE!!! i hope i dont die!! ;-) lol. ttyl!

June 1, 2010

Teen Girls Daybook- week 15

Date... Tuesday June 1, 2010
Starting time... 7:04 pm
Mood... sweet, happpy i guess
Outside my window... its still daylight!! yay for summer!!
I'm thinking... about life and how awesome it is
I'm reading... Category 7
I'm listening to... the sounds of some random kid show in the other room
I'm wearing... shorts and a pink t-shirt with an elephant on it
Yesterday, I... broke up with drummer boy
I'm excited for... tomorrow!!! ice skating/roller blading field trip!!1
I'm sad because... i feel so guilty about drummer boy
I'm hungry for... nothing really, i havent been hungry at all today
The song stuck inside my head is... Greeting and Salutations, a band song
I want... to not feel guilty anymore
I love... life in general
I loathe... the thought of death and that dude with that weird shaped axe
This week, my goal is... to no kill my self ice skating
Did I meet last week's goal?... hehe yah, im alive
Ending time... 7:10 pm


Hi. Well, i think im single...im not really that sure haha. IN ANY EVENT...so i broke up with drummer boy yesterday. I just havent been feeling the same way lately, and i thought it would be best if we went our separate ways. I think were still friends, but who knows.

The reason i dont rly kno if im single or not is because the guy i like likes me back and he told me and i told him and idk if youd call us bf and gf, but eh wateve.

its cool, hes not short. the first person ive liked whos not short. i feel like ive accomplished something. lol. i really like this guy, and if all goes well either i will be asking him out or he will be asking me. lol. wish me luck!
