Which sport is your favorite to watch and/or play?

Quote of the week

One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth watching.

more famous quotes

March 31, 2010

Upon my return blog parade!!!

MckLinky Blog Hop

1. If you had to describe yourself in one word, what would you say?
Only one word? Okay... enthusiastic.

2. If you could go anywhere in the world with anyone you wanted to, where would you go and who with?
I would go to Switzerland with my lovely boyfriend, Drummer Boy.

3. If you could have one superpower, what would it be?
I would like to be able to hold my breath as long as I could so I could explore the depths of the ocean.

4. What is one habit (or two ;) that you get teased about a lot?
My obsession with the bass clarinet. Lol.

5. What is (or are) your food obsession(s)?
I'm obsessed with bananas. LOVE THEM!!!!

6. What is the best April Fools prank you pulled on someone or that someone pulled on you?
When I was seven, my dad came in to wake me up and said it was snowing. I believed him and jumped up, ran over to my window and saw that there wasn't snow and in the process of doing so, hit my head on my lamp leaving a bruise there for days.

7. If you were an inanimate object, what would you be?
A bass clarinet, DUH!

8. Let's say you could change the world in one way. How would you change it?
To remove poverty all over the world.

9. You have a million dollars (*gasp* ;). How do you spend it?
I would donate 3/4 of it to charity and the last 1/4 I would spend on clothes.

10. What is one thing that always takes your breath away? (That could mean in a good way OR a bad way)
A sunset.

11. You are granted three wishes. What do you wish for? (Remember, you can't wish for more wishes ;)
1) To end world hunger
2) To get world peace
3) That Drummer Boy would be granted more courage.

12. You can spend the day with one character from a book or series that you've read. Who is that character?
Anne Frank. I think it would be interesting to learn what it was like during the Holocaust.

13. What is something odd or interesting about you that is not commonly known?
I live on a farm with three steer that we send to the butcher every fall. We get new steer each spring.

14. What is one thing that you absolutely positively cannot stand?

15. Say you committed a crime. The judge gives you a choice between sentences: twenty years of complete solitude in the mountains or never having another moment alone for the rest of your life. Your choice?
Twenty years of complete solitude in the mountains because I would become more in touch with nature. And it would eventually end.

16. What is one benefit that blogging has given you?
I no longer have tons of emotion built up inside of me because I post it on the blog.

17. A perfect day in your eyes would be...?
A sunny, warm day with Drummer Boy, no interruptions and no obligations. And the day ending with a picture perfect sunset.

1 comment:

Bekah said...

Thanks for participating! I love your answers. :)

I would honestly love to be able to play the bass clarinet--SUCH a cool instrument. ;)

Bananas? Yuck! I hate bananas. But to each her own, I suppose. ^_^

I love sunsets too--the sky is all flaming with color. SO beautiful.

Thanks so much for participating! I'll enter you in the giveaways. :)
