Which sport is your favorite to watch and/or play?
Quote of the week
more famous quotes
July 20, 2010
Teen Girls Daybook- week 22
July 13, 2010
I'm annoyed
Now the thing I don’t like about language arts is that the teachers make you look for stuff that the authors never intended to be there. You can look for symbols and what not ‘til the cows come home, but really what an author is thinking about when he or she writes the story is not the tiny details that have a larger than life meaning, but rather the feeling of the character and the emotion behind the whole story. If an author happens to mention a broken telephone or an old shoe, that’s only to add depth to the book. Only language arts teachers or students told to look for such things would see that. Any person reading a book for pleasure would never in a million years think, ‘Hmm. That glass of milk could represent purity’. I hate to rain on your parade, but it’s the truth. Schools are teaching students to look for things that aren’t even there. And they wont believe it either. If you try to go up to a teacher and defend the point that I just stated, you would be there hours arguing. What school should be teaching us is to better understand the story as a whole. Say one of my friends read a book. The next day if I asked them what it was about, they would give me a blank stare and say the don’t know. Teachers should be teaching their students how to comprehend the text. Not to search for things that don’t exist.
When the author said Greg was lost, he meant he was actually lost. In the wilderness. Alone. Lost. Comon, my sister could’ve answered that. Shes 5. I’m 12. Gosh people.
like it? haha. as you can see, i was very annoyed.
This is the handwriting my friends adore........haha
I saw this from The Faithful Elven Princess, and i just HAD to do it :)
here are the rules...
Write down the following, snap a picture (or scan the document), post it, and tag others.
1. Name/Blog Name
2. Right handed, left handed or both
3. Favorite letters to write
4. Least favorite letters to write
5. Write: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
7. Favorite song lyrics
8. Tag 7 people
9. Any special note or drawing
So heres my handwriting....*cringes*
u can click on it to make it larger...if u must
Teen Girls Daybook- week 21
July 6, 2010
Teen girls Daybook- week 20
July 4, 2010
I'm proud to be an American!
Happy 4th of July! Shoot fireworks, go to a BBQ, but remember why we are able to be free today. Keep in mind the people who fight for our freedom. Sometimes even give their lives.
I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I’m free.
And I won’t forget the men who died, who gave that right to me.
And I’d gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land; God bless the U.S.A!
July 2, 2010
More Pics!!!
July 1, 2010
Photos for today!!!
June 30, 2010
June 29, 2010
Broken Heart
My heart,
My broken, shattered heart,
is damaged,
far beyond any repair could fix.
I’ve given my heart,
Not only to one,
But to many.
My friends,
My family.
To the ones I love.
The ones I love,
Whether they are
Male, female, black, white,
Near, far, family, friends,
I trust them.
I trust them with my heart,
my soul
and sometimes,
my life.
Some though don’t care.
They don’t care that I gave them my heart.
They don’t care that I spend
countless hours worrying,
afraid that I will never see them again.
They take the heart
that I have so painstakingly given to them,
throw it on the ground
and leave it there to rot.
I want to say that I forgot
all the people that have crushed my heart.
But saying this would be
a rather large lie.
Each of these people are still in my heart.
I have never quite let go.
Every day,
every hour,
every minute,
I am constantly reminded
of how simple words can hurt so much.
I don’t want your sympathy,
I don’t want a Hallmark card,
all I want
is to forget.
Photography Camp
Teen Girls Daybook- week 19
Starting time... 12:21 PM
Mood... Calm
Outside my window...the sun is shining...I think...I'm nowhere near any windows haha
I'm thinking... about the photography camp im in right now
I'm reading... Three Cups of Tea :(
I'm listening to... the sounds of me typing and other people clicking things on their computers.
I'm wearing... jean shorts, a purple aero T-shirt, a cross necklace and two rings on right hand.
Yesterday, I... started my photography camp
I'm excited for... tomorrow, we are going to an old prision to take pictures.
I'm sad because... i cant go camping with skittles this weekend :(
I'm hungry for... nothing, just had lunch a few minuets ago.
The song stuck inside my head is... Amazing Mayzie
I want... to take an awesome photo these two weeks at my camp
I love... photography
I loathe... video cameras...idk whyy
This week, my goal is... to take an awesome photo at my photography camp
Did I meet last week's goal? erm...nope....i didnt make him anything
Ending time... 12:26 pm
June 25, 2010
June 24, 2010
June 23, 2010
Cool new thing on Google Chrome
June 22, 2010
Teen Girls Daybook- week 18
June 18, 2010
Well then...
WOO HOO!!!!!!
June 17, 2010
tty wen im an 8th grader!!
June 15, 2010
Teen Girls Daybook- week 17
Starting time... 2:28 pm
Mood... jelous :P
Outside my window... the daylight is streaming in and its 78 degrees out :)
I'm thinking... about my friends cuz they're awesome
I'm reading... The Piano Man
I'm listening to... Vanilla Twilight
I'm wearing... white Old Navy flip-flops, shorts and a gray NYC T-shirt
Yesterday, I... had my first 2 finals of the year...yippie
I'm excited for... FRIDAY!!! LAST DAY OF SKOOL!!
I'm sad because... i cant go to a friend's party on sat. cuz im going to my sis's bday party :(
I'm hungry for... nothing, ate lunch a few mins ago
The song stuck inside my head is... The Truth by Kris Allen
I want... to not have any more finals
I love... friends:)
I loathe... wasps :P
This week, my goal is... to get an A on each of my finals
Did I meet last week's goal?... YES!!! FUNK IS GONE!!!
Ending time... 2:32 pm
June 9, 2010
Teen Girls Daybook- week 16
Starting time... 5:08 pm
Mood... depressed, sad
Outside my window... its raining...i love rain
I'm thinking... about how sad i am
I'm reading... Catagory 7
I'm listening to... myself sob
I'm wearing... shorts and some type of shirt
Yesterday, I... was a very happy person
I'm excited for... friday, wwak's bday party
I'm sad because... nilloc broke up with me
I'm hungry for... comfort food, strawberries
The song stuck inside my head is... break your heart
I want... to not be depressed!!!
I love... my friends. they are awesome
I loathe... idiots
This week, my goal is... to get out of this funk!
Did I meet last week's goal?... i have no fricking clue and i dont care
Ending time... 5:10 pm
June 7, 2010
I sent...
it can not be bought.
It can not be sold.
You can't see it,
you can't touch it,
but you can feel it.
No one can describe it for you.
No amount of words can tell you
what it will feel like.
You might have the opportunity
to feel this sensation I am describing,
but yet again,
you night not.
Don't be alarmed tomorrow
if I pull you over for a second.
I hope that if I have
enough courage to complete this task,
this will be the best birthday ever.
But i seriously doubt myself.
I honestly think
that I do not have enough courage
to pull off this daring task.
You have no idea how much I
would love to, but
I'm afraid that what I might do
would possibly pull us apart.
So I guess that your present
will just be having me,
a hug, comforting words,
and a rather lengthy poem.
Yet no one can ever tell
what tomorrow's sun rays
will bring upon us.
June 5, 2010
Awesome night
Well, i sure have a lot to tell you.
First thing first, I have a new boyfriend and he will now on be Nilloc. Dont ask y.
It was really fun. Last night i went to his house at around 6-ish and we sat and talked til 7 when his mom drove us to the dance. From 7-9:30 we paced the school and talked and laughed and complimented each other. Haha. Then when the dance was over, we held hands :) it was really sweet and all my friends were like "awww!" it was funny. I really like him. Hes so nice and sweet and such, i cant really describe it. Lol.
I guess that was a shorter post then i thought it was gonna b...so ill ttyl!
June 1, 2010
Teen Girls Daybook- week 15
Starting time... 7:04 pm
Mood... sweet, happpy i guess
Outside my window... its still daylight!! yay for summer!!
I'm thinking... about life and how awesome it is
I'm reading... Category 7
I'm listening to... the sounds of some random kid show in the other room
I'm wearing... shorts and a pink t-shirt with an elephant on it
Yesterday, I... broke up with drummer boy
I'm excited for... tomorrow!!! ice skating/roller blading field trip!!1
I'm sad because... i feel so guilty about drummer boy
I'm hungry for... nothing really, i havent been hungry at all today
The song stuck inside my head is... Greeting and Salutations, a band song
I want... to not feel guilty anymore
I love... life in general
I loathe... the thought of death and that dude with that weird shaped axe
This week, my goal is... to no kill my self ice skating
Did I meet last week's goal?... hehe yah, im alive
Ending time... 7:10 pm
The reason i dont rly kno if im single or not is because the guy i like likes me back and he told me and i told him and idk if youd call us bf and gf, but eh wateve.
its cool, hes not short. the first person ive liked whos not short. i feel like ive accomplished something. lol. i really like this guy, and if all goes well either i will be asking him out or he will be asking me. lol. wish me luck!
May 31, 2010
Today i have no school cuz of memorial day...YAY!
i have decided to do this thing that Treble Clef made, its called the Make the World Happy Challenge.
Heres what i will be doing for one week...
1) Say good morning to at least five people- it will make them smile and put a good spin on their day
2) Laugh so hard that your stomach hurts and you're almost crying- It's one of the best feelings in the world.
3) Give someone that you care about a hug- Let them know what they mean to you.
4) Listen to music that makes you happy and share it with a friend- More music equals a better world.
5) Live every moment of your life out loud- It's the only way you can truly be alive.
itll start tomorrow.
May 25, 2010
Teen Girls Daybook- week 14
Starting time... 7:32 PM
Mood... exhausted and hot
Outside my window... its 82 degrees out!!!
I'm thinking... about my bass clarinet
I'm reading... nothing really
I'm listening to... the fan in the other room and the sounds of some TV show
I'm wearing... shorts, aero t-shirt
Yesterday, I... had the IAAT test
I'm excited for... SUMMER
I'm sad because... I just cant place my finger on it
I'm hungry for... pasta :)
The song stuck inside my head is... a song from Susical the Musical
I want... it to be the weekend
I love... my friends
I loathe... fire
This week, my goal is... to not die of the blistering heat
Did I meet last week's goal?... eh. not really
Ending time... 7:36 PM
May 24, 2010
25 random things
1. When i tried out instruments in 4th grade, i almost chose the flute.
2. When im watching a movie of what-not, i have to have something in my hands or else i wont be able to focus.
3. Ive wanted to be a vet my whole life
4. I really like gross things like worms and stuff.
5. I have never been outside of the US
6. My favorite food is shrimp
7. I laugh at almost everything
8. I would like to be a good artist, but i know that will never be ;)
9. One of my best friends is a guy
10. I hate people who dont shut up.
11. Surprisingly, i have a very loud voice. Yet im usually really quiet in class.
12. I love all bugs except wasps. *shiver* they creep me out.
13. I started to play softball two years ago and now im in love with it.
14. Really big instruments are my thing, i love my bass clarinet and in HS im gonna play the contrabass clarinet (google it) for the wind ensamble.
15. Im a teachers pet, they all love me.
16. Awkard silences really annoy me. Cuz no one says anything and you can literaly hear peoples mind working overtime.
17. I love reading, but it takes me ages to finish a book.
18. My band teacher will kill me if i dont join pit orchestra next year. Oh joy.
19. I love getting text messaages. I like to press the "OK" button and open the message up and see what the words hold.
20. My phone has a large crack on the inside screne and its hard to read texts.
21. You know that smell when you walk into your grandparents house? I love that smell.
22. I love helping people. Mostly elders or disabled people.
23. When i have a certain ammount of money, i can never decide how to spend it.
24. I use sarcasim on a daily basis.
25. I wish that i could fly.
I tag....anyone who reads this blog.
May 23, 2010
and just when i thought i've found it,
it slips through my fingers,
once again.
I thought she was my friend.
But with what shes saying now,
I dont believe thats true.
A real friend wouldn't call me names,
wouldn't talk behind my back,
would forgive me.
I've dug myself a hole,
one thats gone deeper
than i planned it to be.
I'm past the point of no return;
there is no turning back now.
Even if she forgives me,
i can never forgive her.
For the sadness she has caused me
is more than any apology
can ever fix.
She has hurt me more
than she can realize.
She lost a great friend.
One less friend to call,
in times of sorrow.
One less ear,
to whisper a secret.
One less heart
that will love her as a friend.
May 18, 2010
Teen Girls Daybook- week 13
Starting time...7:32 PM
Mood... not very enthusiastic....idk why
Outside my window... its drizzling :(
I'm thinking... about how much i love drummer boy
I'm reading... distant waves
I'm listening to... golddigger, performed by the glee cast
I'm wearing... shorts (stupid, stupid descision), a t-shirt and a sweat shirt
Yesterday, I... got sorta mad at drummer boy....please dont ask
I'm excited for... July, well, summer in general
I'm sad because... i didnt get a hug from drummer boy today :(
I'm hungry for... nothin, just had a million pieces of cucumber
The song stuck inside my head is... the 80's, a band song
I want... to go on a date with drummer boy
I love... music in general
I loathe... hard rock metal music
This week, my goal is... to finish my book
Did I meet last week's goal?... yes i did, i did really good
Ending time... 7:36 PM
May 16, 2010
Well....Ill start at the beginning...
So on friday i woke up and 5:45 (due to non-sleep-age) and finished packing then posted a short thingy. My dad then drove me to school and I got there at like 8:10. I ran up to my locker and but my carry-on into it then dropped off my under-bus-luggage in the auditorium where we were instructed to put it. At around 8:55 all band and chorus members were called down to the auditorium to get our luggage checked and load buses. But since i was an equipment manager, i had to get my stuff from the auditorium and after it was checked, i was the one (along with about 1o others) who loaded the luggage under the charter buses. I wouldve been okay with this except for the face that i was wearing flats which produced painful blisters on my feet after about 15 minuets. Wat fun. And it was also around....oh say....200 bags of luggage AND 100 instruments (thats NOT including percussion). ALL the luggage had to be moved about 500 ft to the sidewalk from the door exiting the cafeteria (where the bags were getting checked). After that, the charter buses rode up to the sidewalk and after everyone but the equipment managers were on the buses, we then had to place all the luggage and instruments under the bus in those largish compartments. That was fun, ill have to admit. :) All of that was about a 2 hour operation, so by the time we left the school, it was like 11:00 i think. One and a half hours into the ride we stopped at a rest stop to get food and walk around. This was where it got exciting.
So i was sitting with some friends, and Italian and i went over to see Darque cuz we havent in a while. Drummer boy was conviently standing next (near) him. Italian kept elbowing me in the arm trying to get me to hug Drummer Boy. After we finished talking to Darque, we each went to sit with different people. I then figured out that Drummer Boy was eating his lunch about 3 tables away from mine, so he was both in ear-shot and eye sight. KESHIA then kept telling me to go hug him. i decided that i was going to hug him then and so i was figuring out a plan. I then put my plan into motion.
So i walked over to his table, right? And i tap him on the back a few times (like i always do) to get his attention. he turns around i tell him to stand up. He asks why a few times, and i just kept saying "I want to see sumthin" FINALLY he stood up, but he wasnt facing me. "ah wat the hell" i say to myself and wrap my arms around him in a hug. All his friends chuckled (hehe drummer boy is also chuckles haha) while i was doing this, but i could care less at that moment. i unlatched my arms and patted him on the back and swiftly he sat down. laughing to myself, i walked back to my seat, beaming with pure joy. That was a great start to a fun trip.
SO. After that event and getting back on the buses, we rode the other hour and a half to hershey and got there with a TON of time to spare. (BTW, all that time i was texting drummer boy) so we talk and stuff then we unload instruments then we play. After the 8th grade band was done performing, it was time for Jazz Band to perform. Both Drummer Boy and keshia are in jazz band so i was excited to see this. they started and after a few minuets my friend leans over and asks if id like to move over so that i could see Drummer Boy better on drum set. i agreed and we moved over a section where i had a clear view of the drum set. YAY!!! apparently he saw me when i moved over. i could sorta tell cuz he was smiling; A LOT. haha. So yah. Then we loaded the buses and went back to the hotel for a pasta party. it was actually really fun! during that there was a tad mis-conception which lead to another hug from drummer boy. Pasta party ended and we hugged yet again saying bye for the night :D I stayed up til bout 2:00 on sat morning and then FINALLY fell asleep.
Saturday morning i woke up at 6 (yes, only 4 hours of sleep) and waited and started to re-pack as my friend got her shower. After i showered, she dried my hair (idk why, she offered and i wasnt gonna let up an offer like that) and we finished packing. After we were all packed and cleaned and so forth, friends from another room across the hall came over and we talked til bout 7:45 then we went down to breakfast.
When i finished breakfast, i waited a few minuets then went over and sat with drummer boy and his friends. they are all such creeps! they kept trying to take a picture of us two! weird much? lol. ANYWAYZ. We left the dinning hall thingy and drummer boy and i walked up the stairs to get to our rooms, hugged again when i had to go :D
then when we got to the park, i had fun, went on roller coasters and screamed.
then it was time for the award ceremony. before it started, our director had to pick two people to represent the 7th grade band. he chose me (!!!) and one of my other friends. that was awesome. while walking to the arena, Keshia told me that drummer boy was mad at her. i was wondering if that was true, so i went up and asked him. when i was talking, he was looking at his feet. that really annoys me (word to the wise, dont do that again drummer boy) and he usually doesnt do that. he also was sorta ignoring me. of corse, that might have just been me, but still. it really aggravates me when im trying to talk to my boyfriend who i havent seen all day and he ignores me. so we went and the awards cermony went on and stuff, yadda yadda yadda then i tried to talk to him. that didnt really go as i planned. i planned to tell him that he was sorta ignoring me and annoying me and when i said that i was hoping to hear that he was sorry and was just tired. or something along those lines. when i was talking to him, his eyes were glued to his feet. they wernt that interesting!!! i mean, and im not gonna lie, but my eyes are MUCH more interesting than his shoes. sry drummer boy. i tried to turn his head to face me by moving his chin, but all his friends around him thought i was gonna kiss him so one of em walked inbetween us, therefore turning drummer boy's head back to his lovely shoes. i gave up then and got really emotional. tears streamed down my face and my eyes turned bloodshot. not very pretty. my friends were all concerned and took some action. i thought drummer boy was mad at me, so i tried texting him and calling him a few times, all of which were unsuccessful. then my friend sent him a text and got a response. it said he wasnt mad at me and that he would hug me later when we saw eachother again. thank god. i was still shaky, but i was okay and i still had a boyfriend.
later on i asked him why keshia thought he was mad at her. he said that she gave him a flower and told him to give it so me (btw, that was so nice of you keshia, but you could've ruined our relationship) he later told me that he had no way of keeping the flower in tack and not squished. but he also said that he he could've kept it in tact, he might've given it to me. and i find that so sweet.
we left the park, got back to the school, unloaded everything, put all instruments back in the band room and PRESTO! we were DONE. D-O-N-E.
it was soooooo long, tiring, exciting, fun, and awesome.
thanks for actually READING all of this lol!
May 14, 2010
I am soooo excited that i couldnt sleep!
I am going to HERSHEY PARK today with all MY BAND AND CHORUS FRIENDS!!! (yes, that includes drummer boy!!)
Hehe. and drummer boy, if you are reading this before you get to school, your gonna get a hug today. Yes you are. I have my mind SET on it.
I cant wait to tell you guys all the fun things that happen!
Ill tell you on....hm....probably Saturday night? If not then, then ill tell you on...uh...SUNDAY.
Alright, well ill talk to you in the near future :D
May 11, 2010
Teen Girls Daybook- week 12
Starting time... 6:07 PM
Mood... tired, really really tired
Outside my window... its cold. :(
I'm thinking... about my band rehearsal
I'm reading... Distant Waves
I'm listening to... Hey Soul Sister and nothing else
I'm wearing... jeans, NEON PINK and NEON ORANGE socks and a Aero t-shirt
Yesterday, I... skinned my knee really badly on the stupid gym floor
I'm excited for... FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HERSHEY PARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sad because... i am still yet to get a hug from Drummer Boy
I'm hungry for... water. im really really thirsty
The song stuck inside my head is... second chance by shinedown
I want... it to be summer.
I love... rollarcoasters
I loathe... colds
This week, my goal is... to do good on my band presentation tomorrow
Did I meet last week's goal?... i didnt rele put one...
Ending time... 6:13 PM
May 10, 2010
I havent rele posted in a while about something other then DRUMMER BOY.
i mean what can i say, hes pretty damn awesome and i think that all of you have gotten that message. lol.
oooohhhh i just recently finished watching buffy the vampire slayer;season 1! it was really awesome, if your into that kinda stuff. (in my case, i am)
so ya....have an awesomely awesome monday interwebz!
May 8, 2010
May 4, 2010
Teen Girls Daybook- week 12
Starting time... 4:25 PM
Mood... tired
Outside my window... i think its raining...
I'm thinking... about how excited i am because.....(continued in 'I'm excited for' section)
I'm reading... Distant Waves
I'm listening to... the sounds of Scooby Doo in the other room :P
I'm wearing... Shorts and a gray t-shirt
Yesterday, I... got soaking wet on my way out to the bus from school due to a HUGE downpour
I'm sad because... I made Drummer Boy go over in his texts.....its not my fault! he told me he had unlimited!
I'm hungry for... nothing, im eating grapes
The song stuck inside my head is... a band song, the 80's
I want... hm....i would really like it to thunder...
I love... thunder storms
I loathe... HUMIDITY
This week, my goal is... to uhm........hold on let me think.......to...to...to.....to............ill get back to ya on that one
Did I meet last week's goal?... *sigh* no :( Drummer boy, why are you so nervous???
Ending time... 4:31 PM
May 3, 2010

Hey guys! surprise surprise, heres another blog parade thats happening! hehe. if you have a blogger, i suggest that you join the parade at
hehe. have fun readin my answers below ↓
my color is sea blue
Like the crystal sea
or the endless sky,
the color blue
can be found everywhere.
April 30, 2010
the reason i didnt mention names is cuz if that person reads my blog, and i doubt they do, they know xactaly who they are and will question me all day long. thats y. i just wanted to express my opinion cuz i cant share this info with my other friends cuz she will tell the ppl i was talking about what i said about them. did that make sense? if you have my # and wanna kno who they are, just txt me. ill tell u. unless your one of them,.......
April 29, 2010
you wanna know why? well, ill tell you why.
okay, so today my softball team was playing keshia's softball team. we ALMOST won too. alright so it was the last inning, right? i was playing left center. and my team was up by 2. so the runner on 3rd scored a run (though i couldve sworn she was out) and then we were up one with the bases loaded. the batter hit a line drive to 3rd, the 3rd baseman missed it, left fielder missed it so i had to sprint out to get it and by the time i did that, they scored the two runs needed to win the game.
and thats not even the most annoying part
we wouldve won if we didnt play that last inning.
apperentally, if its before 7:45 the coaches have to start another inning. so it was like 7:40, and they still decided to start another inning!!!!
the ump was totally unfair too. he was calling all the un-hittable pitches STRIKES. like, has the guy ever WATCHED a softball game before? or ever even read a rule book? i mean really, it was sooooo unfair!!!!!
we WERE undefeated too.
UGH. it was soooo annoying!!!!
April 27, 2010
Teen Girls Daybook- week 11
Starting time... 5:38 PM
Mood... exhausted
Outside my window... the sun is shining and the birds are chirping
I'm thinking... about my band project
I'm reading... Need
I'm listening to... myself typing
I'm wearing... jeans and a purple t-shirt
Yesterday, I... stayed after school for a band marching thingy
I'm excited for... Sunday...possible Yankee tickets!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm sad because... I havent called Drummer boy since last monday
I'm hungry for... nothing, i just had pretzels
The song stuck inside my head is... toxic by brittany spears. (it was on the radio)
I want... to be done with my band project. its taking so long!
I love... pretzels and peanut butter together...YUM
I loathe... cream cheese. YUCK
This week, my goal is... to hug drummer boy
Did I meet last week's goal?... yes i did and im almost done!!!!!
Ending time... 5:42 PM
oh and for the three of you that read this, give drummer boy some words of courage below this so that he gets up enough courage to hug me ;) luv ya drummer boy ♥
April 23, 2010
RELE cool tag!!!
1. How many toes do you have?
Uhm...1...2...3...4...5......6.....7...8......9....10....11? (JK)
2. How many bones have you broken?
I have never broken a single bone in my body. UNLESS you count teeth...technically they are bones. I've chipped one or two.
3. Name an epic thing that you have done.
Hmm....epic. Well.....i dont know if you'd count this as 'epic' but im pretty proud of myself for doing this. It was at a school dance and this dude was making fun of drummer boy (idk if i was included in the teasing) and both drummer boy and i hated this guy's guts. So i kept threating him saying, "____, if you dont SHUT UP i SWEAR i will kick you with all the strength i can muster." he still didnt shut up, so i kept to mu word and kicked him, VERY hard may i add, in the shin. He was limping around for the rest of the dance. Boy, did that feel GOOD.
4. If you had a pet lemming, what would you name him?
5. What color are the clothes you're wearing right now?
I have a black sweater thingy....a white shirt and jeans... black white and blue.
6. How awesome are orca whales on a scale of one to ten?
They are cute and all, but, hey, they are called killer whales for a reason ;) like a 5.98?
8. How old do you want to be when you die?
114, 14 days, 14 hours, 14 minuets, 14 seconds....(ect.)
9. Name a pet peeve and an addiction.
A pet peeve of mine is people who refuse to go to the nurse when they feel miserable.
For example, wwak wasnt feeling that well today and all day she was like, "i dont feel good." " i feel like crap" so all of my friends were like, "THEN GO TO THE NURSE." and she still REFUSED to go to the nurse. that really makes me mad. and an addiction...could it possibly be the bass clarinet? No, that would make no sense. of COARSE it the bass clarinet.
10. Write a paragraph detailing your life. 100 word minimum.
I was born on August 12th, 1997 and i always was caring and kind towards others. In 4th grade actually, i got the "Future Teacher" award for always lending a helping hand and for always being willing and ready to learn. When i was 9 i think i set my life-long ambition to become a vet and that goal of mine has not changed since. I still want to be a vet, but now i also want to play the bass clarinet as my pass-time. I started in 4th grade as playing the clarinet and in September i switched to playing the bass clarinet and that was one of the best decisions that i ever made. the best decision would probably be telling drummer boy that i liked him and asking if he liked me too.
11. Name one thing that isn't really a secret, but that you haven't really gotten around to telling anyone.
I love math.
12. Name another pet peeve.
Trumpet players that PURPOSELY blast in the ear of the person sitting in front of them. *cough cough midgety trumpeter cough*
13. Sprechen Sie deutsch?
¡No! ¡Hablo español y Inglés! ¡A mi me gusta mucho hablo y aprender español!
14. Tell a joke.
Hahah okay...
So three men were talking about what they want people to say when they come to their funeral.
The first said, "I want people to say that he was a good buisness man and turned in all his papers in on time."
The second man said, "I want people to say that he was a good family man and was loyal to others."
The two men looked at the third man and said, "What do you want people to say when they come to your funeral?"
The third man said, "I want people to look at me and say... "LOOK! HE'S MOVING!"
15. How many of the questions have you answered in a witty manner so far?
Several. LOL!
16. Compose a haiku.
I love Drummer Boy
I love him with all my heart
Does he love me too?
Drummer boy, i kno u read my blog and i do know that you love me too.
17. Have you ever noticed how sour candies taste even more sour if you rub them on the side of your tongue?
OMG YES. I loooooooove that!!!!!
18. What book(s) are you reading at the moment?
I'm reading a vampire romance novel called "Stake That!"
It's actually REALLY good.
19. How many doors are there in your house?
uhmm.......19? 20? 56?
20. How would you solve a problem like Maria?
Im clueless right now.
21. Think of something about yourself. Anything. Go on, think of it.
Now think of something more interesting. Write it down here.
I have never touched an oboe or a bassoon where i have touched or *attempted* to play all the other instruments i can think of.
22. What's wrong with your hands?
My pinkies streach out wayyyy farther then they should in a result of a bass-clarinet-playing freak.
24. What's your favorite show tune?
What is this feeling,
So sudden and new?
I felt the moment
I laid eyes on you;
My pulse is rushing;
My head is reeling;
My face is flushing;
What is this feeling?
Fervid as a flame,
Does it have a name?
Yes! Loathing
Unadulterated loathing
For your face;
Your voice;
Your clothing;
Let's just say - I loathe it all
Ev'ry little trait, however small
Makes my very flesh begin to crawl
With simple utter loathing
There's a strange exhilaration
In such total detestation
It's so pure, so strong!
Though I do admit it came on fast
Still I do believe that it can last
And I will be loathing
Loathing you
My whole life long!
25. Okay, you can tell us what that first thing you thought of for number 21 was. We all want to know.
I only like short people for some STRANGE reason.
And I tag,
Anyone who either:
a) has seen a bass clarinet
b) has a boyfriend/girlfriend
c) loves dancing in the rain
d) all of the above!!!